forum 244 - page 130

unison. Students work full
time in all fields of economic
activity for three and a half
months a year for minimum
wage in order to gain work
experience starting in their
second year. This gives students
a chance to put their theoretical
knowledge to practice while
gaining important insights into
business life.
For the first time in Turkey,
the joint education model in use
by TOBB ETU aiming to bring
the business world and the
world of academia together in
cooperation as well as providing
the qualified manpower needed
by establishments. As a part
of the joint education model,
institutional and practical
education are provided in
Chambers of Turkey, Greece, South
Cyprus and TRNC convened at the Cyprus
“Green Zone”to discuss the shared future of
the island. The main item on the summit’s
agenda was the creation of joint projects
aimed at facilitating the coexistence of the
two peoples of the island.
TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu
stated during his speech at the Summit that
theyare witnessing a historical moment,
“For the first time, chambers from the
Cyprus peoples, Greece and Turkey have
come together to talk about Cyprus. Just
this is an indication of how promising the
Cyprus talks are for us.”
Historical summit
The formula for starting a step
ahead in business life:
Speaking at the opening of the
7th International Work Health and
Safety Conference TOBB President M.
Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, reminded that
they come from a tradition in which
workers and employers break bread
together, which considers them a part
of their family, said, “We keenly feel the
smallest hurt they suffer. Work safety is
of the utmost importance for us.”
TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu
went on:
“98% of our establishments are made
up of SMEs. It should be our priority to
enable the backbone of our economy,
SMEs, to provide the best and safest
working environment to their workers
without coming to harm. We must support
SMEs to this end in adapting to the
process. It is imperative that the incentives
provided by the state to institutions which
employ 10 employees or less be expanded
to include establishments which employ 50
people or less.”
is unacceptable
for our workers
to be harmed
due to neglect”
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