Turkey is experiencing a serious
“food shock”. Our annual non-food
inflation has receded to 5.5%. Despite
Inflation pressure stemming from
fluctuations in exchange rate, non-
food inflation has receded due to weak
growth. A strong trend of increase has
been present in food prices since 2012.
Annual food inflation reached 14.1%
in March. Food and non-food inflation
rate is undergoing a rarely before seen
Between 2012-2014, growth in
agricultural production increased
by 1.6%. This is below the average
growth rate for the last decade, 2.3%.
In summary, meteorological drought
has in part resulted in agricultural
drought. However, the slow growth rate
in agricultural production fails to fully
explain the 40% cumulative increase in
food prices.
Consider the top three inputs for
production: Fuel, fertilizer and seed.
During the said period, fuel prices
saw a slight decrease. Fertilizer prices
cumulatively increased by 20% while
seed prices increased by 30%. It is
evident that production cost increases
in food are stemming from seed and
fertilizer prices. The increase is even
greater than the amount increased by
producers of their goods. The cry of the
producer should be heeded. The food
shock experienced in Turkey is stemming
from seed and fertilizer inflation.
The Union of Chambers
and Commodity Exchanges
of Turkey Economy and
Technology University
(TOBB ETU) held a
“Çanakkale Victory and
National Anthem Program”.
TOBB ETU School of
Sciences and Literature
Deacon Prof. Dr. Yusuf
Sarınay stated that 1915
was the longest year of the
Ottoman Empire, containing
many events which have had
lasting effects which stretch
unto even the present.
Stating that the Battle of
Çanakkale was the fight for
survival of a nation, Prof.
Dr. Sarınay pointed out that
this fight could very well
be considered the “battle
of the intelligentsia” as it
was fought mostly by the
students and luminaries of
the country of the day.
Victory and National
Anthem Program”
house tangible,
visible but
and invisible
and intangible
values. The most
precious invisible and intangible value is
comprised of employees. Each employee
presents as a value unto themselves; an
individual potential and a set of individual
skills. In order to discover these talents,
skill tracking management systems need
to be implemented in institutions as well
conducting the necessary follow-ups.
Skill management is the process of
recruitment, training, development,
retention and replication of human resources
according to predetermined set of skill
factors with the aim of preserving the value
of significant positions in institutions while
achieving continuity, institutional strategies
and goals.
Today’s business world requires visionary
employees. That is why matching a skill with
appropriate profession has become one of
the most pressing issues of HR. The creation
of methods to determine skill, determining
the correct skill and acquiring individuals
with a natural leadership attribute for our
institutions and skill management systems is