forum241 - page 129

Union of Chambers and
Commodity Exchanges of
Turkey (TOBB) President and
the Association of European
Chambers of Commerce and
Industry (Eurochambres) Vice
President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu
attended the Eurochambres
Council Meeting in Brussels.
Distribution of duties
took place at the first Council
meeting of President and Vice
Presidents elected during the
114th Eurochambres General
Assembly in İstanbul on October
17th, 2013. Elected to Vice
Presidency unanimously at the
Eurochambres General Assembly
TOBB President M. Rifat
Hisarcıklıoğlu, was assigned to be
the Eurochambres EU Expansion
and Neighborhood Policy
Committee Chamirman during
the meeting in Brussels.
Taking on the duty of
determining and implementing
Eurochambres’ policy in
regards to EU Expansion and
Neighborhood Policy and to
represent Eurochambres at EU
institutions and member states,
Hisarcıklıoğlu said in regards
to the election results, “I am
honored on behalf of my country
and our business community.”
Mehmet Baybulat AŞETEY
TOBB Bilgi Erişim Uzman Yardımcısı
TOBB President M. Rifat
Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the
8th meeting of the Turkey-
Afghanistan-Pakistan Trilateral
Summit hosted at the Çankaya
Palace and hosted by the
President of the Republic of
Turkey Abdullah Gül. During
the meeting attended by
Afghani President Hamid
Karzai and Pakistani Prime
Minister Muhammad Nawaz
Sharif, Hisarcıklıoğlu made
a presentation in regards to
the joint proclamation of the
İstanbul Forum, held jointly
by Turkish, Afghani and
Pakistani chambers and unions,
regarding the eight meeting of
the summit. The summit will
reinforce the multidimensional
aspect of the cooperation
between Turkey, Afghanistan
and Pakistan, aiming to
contribute to the peace and
stability of the people of the
three countries as well as the
region as a whole.
Important assignment
for Hisarcıklıoğlu
New solution to disputes in the business
The arbitration system, established
to lighten the load of the judiciary
systemwas laid on the table at TOBB.
TOBB Board Vice President Halim
Mete said,“The arbitration systemwill
enable us to preserve time, money
and dignity in business life. We will win
back the time and material resources
lost during the judicial process.”
Arbitration aims to address
the problems of two or more
individuals, groups, establishments
or organizations which are unable
to reach resolution. During the
process, parties agree to be bound
to an independent third party which
facilitates negotiation.
Arbitration aims to provide
practical and long-lasting solutions
which are unable to be provided by
Arbitration is used widely as the
most preferred non-hostile conflict
resolution method in the USA and
many European countries.
Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the
Trilateral Summit
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