forum241 - page 130

16 years, while Turkey’s imports
from China have increased
greatly while it has failed to
secure any significant volume in
exporting to China or integrate
successfully into the Asian
2013 has been a veritable
deluge of trainings at TOBB.
TOBB is making a difference
with the various training courses
it provides for its chamber/
exchanges and its employees.
Chief among these are Chamber/
Exchange Legislation Training,
ISO 9001:2008 Quality
Management System Basic
Information and Documentation
Training as well as the Chamber/
With the start of the EU’s
2014 financial year, many
new generations programs
acting as continuation of
programs throughout the EU
are entering into effect. The
7th Environmental Action
Program (EAP), begun in
1973 and one of the main
components of the EU’s
Environmental Policy, is one
such. A year after the reveal of the Commission design
with the slogan,“LivingWell, within the limits of our
planet,”entering into effect on the 17th of January,
(Article 5*) the program is replacing the 6th EAP which
ended in July, 2012.
The 7th EAP, which will direct the EU’s
environmental policy until 2020, will provide
encompassing a wide variety of integrated
environmental management to member states,
especially the environment and climate policy which
aims to facilitate“transition to a low-carbon economy.”
Taking Turkey’s compliance to the EU environmental
legislation, the program needs to be taken into careful
consideration as one which will cover the EU’s 2014-
2020 action plan.
making a difference with training
Three points which
need to
be recognized in regards
Turkey trade with China
Turkey’s trade with China
has been rapidly increasing since
1990. Reaching 1 billion USD
in trade volume at the start of
the 2000s, it had exceeded24
billion USD by 2012. Turkey has
exported 2.8 billion USD since
2012 to China while importing
21.2 billion USD worth of goods
from China, causing a trade
deficit of 18.4 billion USD.
At a time when Turkey’s
trade with China gains
importance, three points in our
trade relation with China draw
attention. Firstly, Turkey buys
high-tech goods from China
at low prices. Second, Turkey
sells large sums of raw material
to China well below the global
average price. Thirdly, in the last
EAP term has begun
Exchange Accreditation System.
Following the 9th Chamber
and Exchange Accreditation
Certification Ceremony held on
January 14th, 2013 with the
attendance over 100 people, 65%
of which were elected institution
members, the first seminar
for the 10th and 11th Term
Chamber and Exchange gained
momentum in the months of
February and March.
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