forum 246 - page 130

important process for the EU
in many ways. The package
includes important messages in
regards to the EU’s medium and
long-term binding targets as well
as Turkey’s stance on climate
change as it relates to that of
the EU policy. Accordingly,
compared to 1990 under the
EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy
Package; at least 40% reduction
of greenhouse gas emissions,
increasing the energy efficiency
of at least 27% rate of utilization
of renewable energy sources will
be entering the agenda.
The 2030 Climate and
Energy Package presented by
the European Commission
on January 22, 2014, was
approved on 23-24 October
2014 in Brussels by the heads
of 28 members states and
governments. In a written
statement made by the
European Commission, the
member countries’ economic
red lines are present while
significance of the 28 member
states having reached an
agreement in regards to
the package points to a an
Graduates of the “University of innovation”
TOBB University of Economics and Technology
(TOBB ETU) never feel alone, neither in their
personal nor professional lives. TOBB ETU Alumni
Association (MED) aims to be with graduates at all
times through its work and activities. University
years are always yearned for. Over the years these
experiences, photos and memories gain further
value. TOBB ETU MED is part of this process in which
school friendships continue flourish and even new
friendships are formed.
TOBB and TOBB ETU Board of Trustees President
M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu gave an interview today
which reflects both the past and the future...
“Human life is in itself a project”
The EU Climate
and Energy Package
in 2030 had on the deal
TOBB President M. Rifat
Hisarcıklıoğlu and the B20
Turkey Executive Council
presided over by him visited
Deputy Prime Minister Ali
Babacan at his office in order
to ensure close cooperation
between the G20 and B20
during Turkey’s G20 term
presidency. It was decided
that B20 Turkey would
focus on five areas. In an
evaluation on behalf of the
B20 Turkey Executive Board
TOBB President M. Rifat
Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the
G20 term presidency should
be turned into an opportunity.
Stating that Turkey’s
perspective as a developing
country should be better
reflected unto the G20
platform, Hisarcıklıoğlu said:
“If we are able to take
advantage of this good
opportunity, we will have a
chance at finding a solution
to many global issues. On the
other hand, the G20 platform
is a great opportunity for
the promotion of Turkey. In
2015, everyone governing the
world economy will come to
Turkey. We need to tell them
about Turkey’s economy and
its potential.”
study focuses on five areas of Turkey
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