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32nd issue of the Turkey Economic Policy Research Foundation
(TEPAV) Employment Monitoring Bulleting has been published.
Looking into women’s employment using data from the Social
Security Institute and Turkey Employment Institution, the bulleting
reports that the highest increase of women with insured employment
has been in the building and landscaping sector with 76,000. This
sector is followed by retail with an increase of 32,000, food and
beverage sector with 25,000, and the education sector with 20,000.
An increase of 50,000 has been observed in the production
industry in regards to insured women’s employment. The highest
increase in insured women’s employment was in the clothing
production sector with 16,000.
Without an international water management
agreement, EU has created a long term calendar
detailing its water policy goals. Turkey’s agenda
is filled with new legislation. Having taken up a
leading role in environmental preservation, it is
too early to tell if the EU will be able to attain its
goals. The most important issue is the fact that
priorities are different for new members.
Mehmet Baybulat AŞETEY
TOBB Bilgi Erişim Uzman Yardımcısı
Women make up
45 of 100
new employments
EU’s water policy:
The lesser evil model
The Global Entrepreneurship Week, celebrated
throughout the world in over 140 countries,held one
of its most important activities, the “Power of Future”
(g3) Forum 2014 was held in Suada, İstanbul. Hosted by
the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of
Turkey (TOBB), International Entrepreneurship Center
(UGM) and GATE Events and sponsored by Vodafone
with the support of the Turkish Economy Bank (TEB)
Private Banking Angel Investing Platform, the g3 Forum
2014 was held with the theme of “Fierce Ideas” and
the attendance of 615 entrepreneurs and prominent
business people. Additionally great interest was shown
to the Forum from all 81 provinces of Turkey as well
as many different age ranges who are entrepreneurs or
aiming to become entrepreneurs.
“Fierce Ideas”
necessary to survive in
the entrepreneurial jungle
First steps
in BALO Inc.’s
investment plans in Europe
Established under the leadership of the Union of Chambers and Commodity
Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), the Great Anatolia Logistics Organizations (BALO)
Inc. and the Austrian Federal Railways (OBB) freight company Rail Cargo
Austria (RCA) have signed a protocol to undertake a joint venture in Germany.
TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and Austrian Federal Railways President
Christian Kern acted as witness to the signing of the protocol by BALO Inc. Board
Chairman Harun Karacan and RCA General Director Erik Regter.
TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that entrepreneurs
in Anatolia want to cooperate more with Europe. Stating that road
transportation is an unviable method to achieve this, Hisarcıklıoğlu reported
that provinces such as İzmir, Bursa, Kocaeli and İstanbul conduct most of
their exports to European countries while the exports of Anatolian provinces
present a very small share of total.
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