forum 250 - page 129

Prime Minister Ahmet
Davutoğlu held a press conference
to announce the 8 programs and
relevant actions plans of the
25 Prioritized Transformation
Programs of the Tenth
Development Plan. The eight
announced programs cover the
employment market, real sector as
well as many others ranging from education to healthcare.
Attending the meeting were Prime Minister Deputy Ali Babacan,
Development Minister Cevdet Yılmaz, Labor and Social Security Minister
Faruk Çelik, Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci, Interan Affairs Minister
Efkan Âlâ, National Education Minister Nabi Avcı, Minister of the Treasury
Mehmet Şimşek, Minister of Health Dr. Mehmet Müzezzinoğlu. Youth and
Sports Minister Akif Çağatay Kılıç.
Emphasizing that Turkey has been undergoing an extraordinary
paradigm shift in the last 12 years, Prime Minister Davutoğlu stated that
governments who neglect continuity in social life and change cannot succeed.
European Commission President Jean-Claude
Juncker stated in July 2014 that there would be
no expansion for the Eu in the coming 5 years.
Following the postponement of expansion, the
reasons for it were assessed, pointing to the anti-
expansion lean which has been gaining momentum
for some time.
The European consolidation process has been
going through a critical and tumultuous period, a
crisis of legitimacy or an existential crisis. Effecting
the expansion process, these upheavals has been
feeding back on itself, losing synergy between
deepening and expanding. An environment has been
formed, inhospitable to the EU’s expansion policy,
viewed in favorable light in the past.
Mehmet Baybulat AŞETEY
TOBB Bilgi Erişim Uzman Yardımcısı
Last Prioritized
Transformation Program
package announced
Is this the end of the
EU expansion process?
The Afghanistan Seminar organized by the
Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey
(TEPAV) and EastWest Institute took place at the
TOBB İstanbul Service Building. Attending the
seminar in addition to the Union of Chambers and
Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President
M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu was EastWest Institute
Vice President Ambassador Martin Fleischer, who
in his speech stated that prosperity and stability
are not possible for any one country by itself in a
sustainable manner.
Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Afghanistan is among
TOBB’s prioritized policies and said, “Significant
projects are underway to ensure Afghanistan’s
development and normalization. Due to their work
towards the same goals, the EastWest Institute’s
endeavors are important for us as well.”
Stating that sustainability is dependent on the
wholesale development of the region and stability,
Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Afghanistan should be
entering an intense period of normalization and
development with the withdrawal of troops in
Afghanistan Seminar
lays trade
relations on the table
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