forum 250 - page 130

Following the attack on Charlie
Hebdo in Paris at the beginning
of January and the events which
followed, the European Union has
been forced to review its internal and
external security policies. EU member
internal affairs ministers convened
in Paris following the attacks stating
that a more effective mechanism
for EU Passenger Name Records
(PNR) needs to be implemented
with the information gathered
being consolidated and shared. EU
Council Chairman Donald Tusk and
Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Executive Representative Federica
Mogherini urged the European
Parliament to move forwards with
the implementation of EU’s own PNR
PNR is a tool which has been in use
by many countries for years as a part
of the fight against crime and terror.
Maany members in the EU has their
own PNR system, however, due to
legislative gaps, PNR data is unable to
be shared amongst the Union. Another
problematic area in regards to is the
matter of intra-European flights.
Only limited information in regards
to passengers traveling inside Europe
is accessible, gathered by companies
and have significant obstacles to being
disseminated among member states.
Graduating from the Union
of Chambers and Commodity
Exchanges of Turkey University
of Economy and Technology
(TOBB ETU) Industrial Engineering
Department in 2010, Cihan Tuğrul
Çiçek thinks that his career owes a
lot to being able to take advantage
of the opportunities afforded him.
Stating that he doesn’t plan too far
ahead, Çiçek said, “Saying ‘this isn’t
what I planned’ and being left out
of spontaneous developments may
mean turning down opportunities
which you can never again
participation”, its
The International Labor
Organization’s (ILO) 2014-
2015 Global Wage Report
was hosted by the Union of
Chambers and Commodity
Exchanges of Turkey
University of Economy and
Technology (TOBB ETU) in
İstanbul. The meeting held
in cooperation among the
Labor and Social Security
Ministry, ILO, TOBB ETÜ,
Social Policy Implementation
and Research Center (SPM)
and the Economic Policy
Research Foundation of Turkey
(TEPAV), was also the first
meeting in which Turkey’s
G20 Term Presidency logo was
TOBB ETÜ Deputy Rector
Prof. Dr. Adem Şahin stated
during his opening notes that
wage is one of the most critical
matters in the world; that its
level, fair distribution and
continuity is important for
the basic balance of economy.
Prof. Dr. Şahin, expressed his
honor in hosting ILO, public
institution and academic
representatives at TOBB ETU.
Wage gap decreasing
in Turkey
Europe closing ranks in the fight against terror:
Towards a joint PNR implementation
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