Despite avoiding irreversible
cutting of ties with the EU in regards
to membership, Turkey’s accession
process has been stalled almost stalled
from the start. Alienated by some
Europeans on the basis of identity,
the closing of its ports and airports
to Cyprus and lastly the increasing
authoritarian rule and dissipating rule
of law are seen as causes for this.
In order to reestablish trust
between EU and Turkey’s citizens,
EU must step away from the values it
has defended its position in regards
to Turkey. Two fields are apparent:
Cooperation in foreign policy and
cooperation regarding the resolution
to the refugee crisis.
Lessons to illuminate
today from
past actions
TOBB ETÜ Engineering
Faculty Mechanical
Engineering Department
Faculty Member Prof. Dr.
Sadık Kakaç has been awarded
with another honor. His
publications regarding the
transfer of heat are used as
primary teaching material
in various universities of
many countries including
the USA. Prof. Dr. Kakaç is
the first Turkish scientist
to receive the Luilov Medal
awarded biannually by the
International Center for
Heat and Mass Transfer
(ICHMT). Awarded for “His
contributions to the scientific
studies in the field of heat and
its transfer,” Prof. Dr. Kakaç
was preceded by American,
English, Russian, German,
Australian,Japanese, Italian,
Bosnia Herzegovinian and
Indian scientiests in receiving
the medal. Prof. Dr. Kakaç was
presented with the Luikov
Madalyasını by the ICHMT
Chair Prof. Dr. K. Hanjalic.
“The master of masters”
Prof. Dr. Kakaç
awarded the
Luikov Medal
We are entering a historic time. No
increase has been seen in interest rates
for the USD which forms two thirds of
currency in financial markets. How will
markets be affected prior to, during
and after the first interest increase
in a decade? Not just finance market
professionals but all economy actors are
seeking the answer to this question.
New steps towards complete unity
in the EU’s Economic and Monetary Union