TOBB quoted
problems and
requests to PM
. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Chairman of the
Union of Chambers and Commodity
Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), andTOBB Board
members, paid a visit to Binali Yıldırım to
congratulate himon his being elected Prime
Minister of Turkey and quoted the economic
problems and requests of the Turkish busi-
ness cycles. Making a statement following
the visit, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “As Board mem-
bers of TOBB, we paid a visit toMr. Yıldırım to
congratulate himon his being elected Prime
Minister of Turkey. Meanwhile, we had the
opportunity to talk with him on the latest
developments in the Turkish economy.”Sta-
ting that Turkey should have plans to add-
ress all possible challenges, TOBB Chairman
Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We appreciate the mea-
sures taken by the government to that end.”
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